Hostile Environment Training

Humanitarian aid workers are at risk wherever they are in any developing country.

Humanitarian aid workers are at risk wherever they are in any developing country. Some countries have higher risks than others. Risks such as kidnap, sexual abuse, theft, injury or even death. It is important that organisations train their staff and volunteers to take precautions, prevent themselves from vulnerability and know how to react in hostile situations.
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Does your organisation work in hostile or developing countries If the answer is yes then you need to protect your staff. In 2018 over 405 aid workers were attacked, 131 killed, 144 wounded and 130 kidnapped all the above in 266 separate incidents around the globe. This is just what was actually reported, the numbers are higher when we consider what was not reported.

AQB Management Consulting has experts in this field with ready-made courses that will raise your awareness of threats and dangers and how to take precautions and navigate your way to safety. We offer courses that cover: first aid, radio and voice communications, navigation techniques, kidnap & hostage, threat and risk mitigation, vehicle safety and security, conflict management and much more. Courses are ether 1-day, 2-day, 3-day or 4-days depending on how much you want to learn and prepare for.

Call us to discuss your needs and put together a training package tailored for your requirements.